Go Further & Explore More...
“Paths are made by walking.”
Franz Kafka
Yeah, good one, Mr Kafka!! The obvious and literal takeaway from the quote is pretty straightforward. I wonder though, have you ever taken the time and thought how paths and trails are formed? Have you considered their history as you walk, run or cycle along them? We take the paths we traverse largely for granted, not stopping to think why they are that way…a way that is not always the straightest or the most obvious route. How some tracks can grow and grow and grow, becoming highways or train lines…whilst others disappear and are lost over time, returning to the wilderness. Of course, there is more to Mr Kafka’s quote; a deeper more intangible meaning. The Western Apache believe the goal of life is to walk the “trail of wisdom”, growing and improving our mind body and spirit throughout our lives. Our individual paths are made day by day as we walk around living, breathing and interacting with others. That is one path we can control and shape, moulding it to our liking. We can change course, direction or attitude to what’s in front of us whenever we want, managing to overcome obstacles. We all possess that. So whatever path you are on; whether literal or figurative…get walking…
Until next week, be safe and enjoy the trails...
For this newsletter, we are referring to the literal walking paths interpretation of this week’s quote…but is there a difference between trekking and hiking; here’s how to do them both properly…
If the goal in life is to walk the ‘trail of wisdom’, you can certainly do worse than doing some actual walking, but what makes it so special and beneficial?
If history and walking are your thing (count me in!) then look no further than this ancient salt trading route that is now open to hikers…
I post this article as it’s interesting (and surprising) but also a reminder to remain safe and prepared when out hiking and exploring. There may not be sharks, but there are plenty of perils…
📸 CMD Arête, Ben Nevis, Scotland
Each week I update the Kings of the Trail playlist with a new selection – just like trail runs or hikes, you can be sure that it will be a varied and eclectic journey, but hopefully, there will be something for everyone to enjoy.
The song may be an obvious choice, but the band and style maybe a bit of a surprise. I love it. Get walking and get stomping …